Soja Hamex ®

For Soja Hamex ®, we press European soybeans in Switzerland. The result is a high-quality cake, which can be used on its own or in a mixture.

Soja Hamex ®

At its site in Olten processes Hamex AG for Agrokommerz AG soybeans into Soja Hamex ®.

Soja Hamex ® is available in Swiss Organic, Danube soya and conventional qualities. All products meet the highest quality standards and respect the guidelines of the Swiss Soy Network. Analyses of all incoming goods guarantee that the products are GMO-free. Soja Hamex® can be used in the compound feed industry as a high-quality component as well as a straight feed.

Soja Hamex ® can be purchased in bulk and in BigBags of approx. 600kg or 1000kg. Soybean oil is supplied loose or in IBC containers of approx. 900kg.

Thanks to the processing process in Switzerland and the good storage capacity, even short-term deliveries are possible at any time.

Hamex AG and Agrokommerz AG rely on domestic processing to guarantee maximum stability, quality and safety of the product.

Take advantage of the quality benefits and use Soja Hamex ®

The employees of Agrokommerz AG will be happy to answer your questions and provide you with further information.

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